
Все новости Мероприятия Соревнования Зарубежные Официальное приглашение для сборной России для участия в 27-ом Чемпионате Мира по стрельбе из дульнозарядного оружия
Официальное приглашение для сборной России для участия в 27-ом Чемпионате Мира по стрельбе из дульнозарядного оружия PDF Печать E-mail

Dear Delegate, Team Captain,
On behalf of Hungarian Muzzleloading Association, the Hungarian Shooting Federation and the Muzzleloaders Associations International Committee, it is our pleasure to extend the invitation to the 27th MLAIC World Championships on August 13 – 21, 2016.

The one week international tournament would be held at the shooting ranges of the Sarlóspuszta Club Hotel - Conference and Leisure Resort, Hungary. It would be our honor to have your national team's presence on this auspicious occasion.

I do hope that you will be able to confirm your attendance to this invitation; we look forward to your presence at this celebration of historical shooting sports.

Official web-page of the event: http://mlaic.org/competitions/27th-mlaic-world-championships/

Registration forms, deadlines: http://mlaic.org/competitions/27th-mlaic-world-championships/registration/Facebook

page of the event: https://www.facebook.com/27thMLAICWorldChampsHungary/

Official email of the event: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript

Official partner for accommodation and travel services: http://welltravel.hu/booking/

We already have many useful info uploaded about the upcoming championships. Please follow our on-line communication platforms and also subscribe to the official MLAIC newsletters service of MLAIC. Check in at the "Keep in touch" field at the bottom of the frontpage: http://mlaic.org/

In a short time we will be sending you information about the MLAIC Friendship - 1st Grand Prix of Hungary (part of the Alps-Dounau-Adria Cup) held at the same range 27-29 May 2016.

If you have any questions, suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us! If your country is currently not member of the MLAIC, please contact us for further details about the participation possibilities. We will help you to get involved in the international shooting life of historical firearms.

Yours Sincerely,
Balazs Nemeth & György Nagy
presidents of the
Hungarian Muzzleloaders Association & Hungarian Shooting Federation

Официальное приглашение для сборной России для участия в 27-ом Чемпионате Мира по стрельбе из дульнозарядного оружия pdf








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